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But south of I-80, far from the Chicago sprawl, the Land of Lincoln is mostly cornfields and small towns, with a deeply conservative electorate that mirrors parts of neighboring Iowa or rural Ohio.louis vuitton handbags for sale Despite being outgunned and out-organized in the state, Zahm and some 400 volunteers have put Santorum in position to potentially ride a wave of grassroots passion to an upset victory. (MORE: The Santorum Conundrum by Mark Halperin) A recent Chicago Tribune poll showed Santorum nipping at Romney’s heels, but when Zahm first joined the team, the former Pennsylvania Senator was still running a meager one-state campaign in Iowa. Zahm struggled mightily to gather the 600 signatures required to get Santorum on the ballot in each of Illinois’ 18 congressional districts. In three districts, he didn’t even try to make the ballot; in a fourth, a volunteer mishandled the filing.chanel outlet Pundits have snickered at these failures, which render the candidate ineligible for 10 of the 54 delegates awarded on Tuesday. But it could have been much worse. Santorum actually fell short of the signature threshold in 14 of 18 districts, which led the Romney campaign to file a challenge with Illinois’ State Board of Elections. Santorum’s organizational struggles have hampered him throughout his campaign.louis vuitton handbags for sale He ran into similar delegate trouble in Ohio and failed to qualify for the ballot entirely in Virginia. But shortly after the challenge was filed, Romney’s team withdrew it in 10 of 14 districts, a decision that caused consternation among Romney allies after Santorum’s Southern sweep on March 13 heightened the stakes in Illinois. What happened? Zahm says Romney’s camp withdrew the challenge after he submitted one of his own, charging that Romney had improperly notarized his candidacy in the state. “I had Romney on the technicality of the notary,” says Zahm.fake louis vuitton Jim Tenuto, an official with the Illinois Board of Elections, says that the two campaigns probably negotiated a mutual withdrawal. “There must have been an agreement worked out, because Santorum is allowed to appear on the ballot even though he’s below the minimum number of signatures,” he says. (MORE: How Romney Can Win) With 69 delegates at stake in Illinois ?? 54 apportioned by district, plus 15 chosen at the state convention in June ?? Santorum’s forfeiture of 10 delegates isn’t disastrous. But he’ll have to fight hard to win a majority.chanel outlet Romney is pouring resources into Illinois to stanch the bleeding from his recent bad night down South. Reuters suggests the campaign and its allied super PAC have spent nearly $5 million in Illinois already. The campaign has rolled out a laundry list of supporters as a testament to its deep institutional backing. “Romney’s by far the best organized,” says Pat Brady, the Illinois GOP chairman.handbags louis vuitton Brady, who supports Romney, says the former Massachusetts governor will rack up his margin in the vote-rich suburbs of Cook County ?? some 70% of Republicans are based in the Chicago area ?? and in a narrow band of turf that runs west to Wheaton and north to the Wisconsin border, home to a more moderate Republican electorate for whom fiscal issues trump social ones. The model for a Romney win, Brady says, is that of Senator Mark Kirk, who rode an economic message to a victory in 2010. “The state is just a train wreck fiscally,” Brady says. “People are looking for solutions.louis vuitton handbags for sale” (MORE: Santorum??s Southern Sweep Sets Up Long Showdown with Romney) But if Romney is well-positioned in the more moderate urban areas, Santorum stands to win the vast rural swaths of the state, which are more conservative albeit more sparsely populated. “I believe we’re going to win everywhere outside the city of Chicago,” says Zahm. Throughout the GOP primary season, Santorum has won the majority of rural counties while Romney has gobbled up votes in population centers. It was Romney’s support in urban areas that allowed him to narrowly outpace Santorum’s countryside domination in Ohio, swinging the state to Romney.fake uggs But in Illinois, momentum is on Santorum’s side. His fundraising has improved in the wake of Tuesday’s victories in Alabama and Mississippi. On Thursday, the Santorum-allied Red, White and Blue Fund dropped $310,000 on a new TV ad that hits Romney on fiscal issues and health care. His team is hopeful that a grassroots groundswell will be enough to put him over the top in the next big primary.chanel handbags for sale And Zahm is confident. “The so-called liberal Republican is a dinosaur here nowadays,” he says.
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Added Pentagon spokesman George Little: “We work alongside thousands of Afghans every single day to ensure a better future for the Afghan people, and nothing that has happened over the past week is going to deter us from that goal.” Perhaps. Then why are the folks paid to analyze what??s going on at such odds: – a news analysis by Kevin Baron at the upper-crust National Journal (where you need forklifts to lift paragraphs because they are so crammed with facts and data) proclaims: Administration Will Weather Latest Afghan Storm ??ut then you check out the assessment from John Bennett of U.louis vuitton handbags for saleS. News & World Report (and Battleland has long had a warm spot for weekly newsmags), who declares: Koran Burning May Be Beginning of the End for Afghan War Bottom line: no one yet knows where the Afghan campaign is headed. The riots were declared in decline last weekend, but they roared back, along with the killing of two U.S.cheap gucci belts officers inside the Afghan interior ministry. That hast given chin-strokers like Anthony Cordesman at the Center for Strategic and International Studies a chance to weigh in: It has been a truly grim week, and one where these events raise questions about US strategy and the value of continuing with the current approach to the war??he past strategy is dead, and we desperately need to either decide on a workable “Transition” strategy for the future and then actually fund and implement it, or develop an honest exit strategy that will do minimal damage to the Afghan people and our national interest. And he’s an optimist. More telling is the assessment of Sergio Miller, a former British army officer with the Special Air Service.replica louis vuitton On Small Wars Journal, he details the U.S. war in Vietnam, and then superglues it to Afghanistan: By now, any reader familiar with the war in Afghanistan will have noticed parallels. Nobly and in good faith ?? it must be recognised – Washington set about supporting a corrupt government that could not stand on its own two feet; it tried to fix a country damaged by years of war, in the middle of another war; it tried to spread democracy, albeit at the end of an M16 barrel; it presided over continual, cosmetic name changes of organisations, programs and initiatives that could not alter the facts on the ground; it grew unsustainably large and dependent armed forces and an unreliable police force; and all of this cost almost 60,000 American lives and over $800 billion in 2010 prices, huge sums of which were squandered or stolen.loui vuitton? 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He asserts that Washington is repeating the errors of Vietnam in Afghanistan: They include: massive influxes of aid money distorting unsophisticated economies; an irresponsible belief that money does good when the manifest evidence of its contrary effect is unassailable; notions of ??doing good?? that run contrary to local truths; fashionable Western aid dogma colliding with a good old fashioned human propensity for corruption, embezzlement and fraud; a focus on promoting misleading aid ??success statistics?? or meeting arbitrary targets to satisfy domestic audiences and funding agendas that do not reflect the reality of the lives of locals who make up those statistics or targets; false, anecdotal or simply unproved metrics of ??success??; prestige programs with little local relevance; poor coordination; even lousier accountability and transparency; woeful auditing; a lack of responsibility allied to short-term attitudes in officials and contractors only looking to the end of their six month stints in-country; naivety and sometimes plain dishonesty over the scale of the waste; inconsistent and sometimes contradictory strategic goals; misunderstanding, competition and even antipathy between military, government and non-government organisations; abrupt switches of policy with different governments, military units or forceful personalities that confuse the locals; the incapacity of the recipient governments, at national and local level, to manage the aid effectively; a resigned tolerance of corruption; the promotion of programs and projects that cannot realistically be sustained; and, finally, giving up when failure can no longer be denied. 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After a long, long weekend in Michigan watching Romney and Santorum, I have no strong feelings about who is going to win–put a gun to my head and I’ll say Romney–but I do know that this Republican race has become a victorless crime, a mortal snooze.chanel handbags for sale Those few Republicans who are not so dispirited by this mess that they’re still willing to attempt spin try to make the argument that this is like the Democrats in 2008, a long, messy battle that won’t hurt the party in the fall. Wrong. This is the opposite of the Dems in 2008. That campaign was endlessly fascinating.louis vuitton neverfull You had two first-rate candidates, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, trading substantive policy proposals along with some significant, but not devastating, barbs. Their contest invigorated the Democratic Party. At this point 4 years ago, Clinton seemed doomed after Obama swept through the February caucus states–but she bounced back on Super Tuesday and really hit her stride as a campaigner in Pennsylvania in April. More to the point, neither candidate took positions that would hurt them with the general electorate in the fall–and neither of them took stands that appeared to come from Mars.louis vuitton neverfull (MORE:?The Republican Race Looks Murky, in Michigan and Beyond) 2012 is the precise opposite: each of the Republicans–with the exception of Ron Paul–has diminished himself during the course of this campaign. Each has taken positions that will be difficult to sustain in a general election–all you need to do is listen to Romney or Santorum slamming “entitlements” in a country where Medicare and Social Security are the two most popular government programs. (Which is not to say that both programs shouldn’t be reformed, but Romney’s broad brush criticism of a liberal “Entitlement Society” versus a conservative “Opportunity Society” just doesn’t reflect life as most Americans live it.) And each of the candidates have made fools of themselves in ways that Obama and Clinton never did.fake uggs Newt Gingrich said he was hired as a consultant for Freddie Mac because he was a “historian.” He has said that Obama is the most dangerous and radical President in history. He has said this is the most important election since 1860. To which, one can only say: he is the most apoplectic presidential candidate in, well, eons! Romney’s gaffes–each an innocent blunder in its way–have slowly painted the picture of a clueless rich guy.replica chanel shoes And what can one say about Santorum? I’m on the record praising him for having the courage of his convictions, but, not to put too fine a point on it–the guy is something of a jerk. I mean, calling the President a snob because he posited a society where every kid should go to college? I know what Santorum meant–that we’ve oversold 4 year colleges and undersold technical training–but community colleges, where necessary tech training takes place, are colleges, too. And saying that John Kennedy’s speech to the Houston ministers made him want to vomit? That speech, arguably, made it possible for a Roman Catholic to be elected President. (PHOTOS:?Political Pictures of the Week, Feb.fake louis vuitton shoes 18-24) And so we are left with the following scenario: Even if Romney wins Michigan, he doesn’t gain all that much (if he loses, it’s panic city). If Romney wins, his momentum won’t last long. Next week, the Super Tuesday results are likely to splinter–with Romney winning his New England and Mormon West turf, Gingrich winning Georgia and Santorum looking strong in Ohio and much of the rest of the south and southwest. In the end, I suppose, Romney must still be considered the favorite to win the nomination.gucci handbag for sale But he has been dragged well right of the American mainstream, and he has proved himself a brittle campaigner who lacks the confidence even to answer questions from the public at his rallies–and who, when he slips, slips into $10,000 bets and twin cadillacs and rhapsodies on the joys of firing people. The sad thing is that Romney, especially, has a potentially important case to make against the economy as Barack Obama has chosen to run it. ?But at this point, the messenger is as damaged as a used Nash Rambler.
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Y parece que los Republicanos est叩n haciendo un esfuerzo extraordinario para perder el voto hispano.chanel outlet Si los Republicanos no pueden conseguir al menos el 33 por ciento del voto hispano, no van a recuperar la presidencia. Desde Ronald Reagan, todos los candidatos Republicanos que obtuvieron m叩s de la tercera parte del voto latino ganaron su elecci坦n. Y todas las encuestas sugieren que Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum o Newt Gingrich no se podr鱈an acerca a esas cifras para noviembre. (PHOTOS: Being Latino in Arizona) Los Republicanos est叩n en camino de perder las elecciones presidenciales porque han rechazado todas las propuestas razonables para resolver el problema de la inmigraci坦n indocumentada.fake uggs Por primera vez en una generaci坦n, los Republicanos tendr叩n a un candidato presidencial que no apoya un camino a la ciudadan鱈a para los indocumentados. Reagan, Bush, padre e hijo, y McCain apoyaron un plan de legalizaci坦n. Pero el rechazo actual de los Republicanos a una reforma migratoria y a siquiera considerar el Dream Act para estudiantes es la f坦rmula perfecta para perder al grupo de votantes de m叩s r叩pido crecimiento en Estados Unidos. A pesar de lo anterior, el tema migratorio no es el m叩s importante para los latinos, seg炭n las encuestas.louis vuitton speedy Est叩n m叩s preocupados por conseguir un buen trabajo, escuelas para sus hijos y tener acceso a doctores y hospitales. Pero s鱈 hay que reconocer que el asunto de los inmigrantes indocumentados es muy, muy personal para nosotros. Es un s鱈mbolo. Si t炭 atacas a los indocumentados, nos est叩s atacando a todos.loui vuitton Ellos son nuestros vecinos y compa単eros de trabajo, sus hijos van a la escuela con nuestros hijos y pelean en las guerras por nosotros, toman los trabajos que nadie m叩s quiere, pagan impuestos y, en general, hacen de Estados Unidos un mejor pa鱈s. Pero empecemos por lo b叩sico. Por principio no les llamen ??ilegales??. Ning炭n ser humano es ??ilegal?? y hacerlo demuestra mucha hipocres鱈a y una doble moral.ugg boots outlet Nadie le llama ??ilegales?? a las compa単鱈as norteamericanas que contratan a indocumentados. Las palabras importan. Hay que cuidarlas. (MORE: Why the Latino Vote in Arizona Could Be Decisive in 2012) Segundo, nadie se cree los discursos de los Republicanos de que hay que asegurar a炭n m叩s la frontera con M辿xico.handbags louis vuitton El n炭mero de indocumentados ha bajado de 12 millones a 11 millones seg炭n el Pew Hispanic Center. Las ciudades a lo largo de la frontera con M辿xico son algunas de las m叩s seguras de toda la naci坦n. Y la idea de un muro es absurda. 多Para qu辿 quieren muros tan altos cuando cuatro de cada 10 indocumentados llegan por avi坦n, con una visa, y luego se queda? Tercero.louis vuitton replica Si su plan es hacer de los Estados Unidos un lugar tan represivo y tan poco hospitalario para los inmigrantes ??como las nuevas leyes antiinmigrantes han hecho de Alabama y Arizona- olv鱈dense del voto latino. Los Republicanos est叩n desaprovechando una oportunidad hist坦rica para recuperar el voto de los hispanos. Los latinos est叩n muy desilusionados con el presidente Barack Obama porque 辿l rompi坦 una importante promesa de campa単a. ??Lo que s鱈 puedo garantizar es que tendremos en el primer a単o una propuesta migratoria que yo pueda apoyar con fuerza??, me dijo en una entrevista en Denver el 28 de mayo del 2008.louis vuitton handbags for sale Pero rompi坦 su promesa. Los latinos le llama ??La promesa de Obama??. No cumpli坦 su palabra. Adem叩s de eso, el gobierno de Barack Obama es responsable por la separaci坦n de miles de familias hispanas cuyos hijos son ciudadanos de Estados Unidos.fake louis vuitton shoes Obama ha deportado a m叩s inmigrantes ??mas de 1.2 millones- que cualquier otro presidente en la historia. Y aunque 炭ltimamente sus pol鱈ticas migratorias se han concentrado en deportar a criminales, su programa de Comunidades Seguras ha afectado negativamente a muchos trabajadores inocentes que no han cometido ning炭n crimen. (MORE:?Exclusive Interview: Marco Rubio Challenges His Own Party on Latino Outreach) ??Los latinos??, Ronald Reagan dec鱈a, ??son Republicanos pero todav鱈a no lo saben??.gucci handbag for sale De hecho los latinos comparten con los Republicanos muchas cosas: se oponen al aborto, desconf鱈an de los gobiernos que abusan de su poder y tienen valores familiares y religiosos muy tradicionales. Los Republicanos podr鱈a haber usado estas similitudes con los latinos ??y atacar la contradictoria pol鱈tica migratoria de Barack Obama- para crear una nueva alianza con los hispanos. Pero no lo hicieron. Echaron todo a perder.louis vuitton backpack for sale Los latinos no tienen la representaci坦n pol鱈tica que se merecen. Deber鱈amos tener al menos 15 senadores y, sin embargo, solo tenemos dos. Pero con una poblaci坦n de m叩s de 50 millones, que crece a ritmos agigantados, muy pronto tendremos nuestro propio presidente hispano. Se supon鱈a que el 2012 iba a ser un a単o de esperanza para los hispanos.fake ugg boots Pero no sera as鱈. Tenemos que escoger entre un presidente que nos fall坦 y no cumpli坦 su palabra, y un candidato Republicano ??辿l que sea- que no nos entiende. Jorge Ramos es el conductor del Noticiero Univision, ganador de varios premios Emmy, y autor de 11 libros, incluyendo Tierra de Todos y Morir En El Intento.
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Though fought in a collection of states, each with its own parochial concerns, the Republican primary has been marked by national surges and swoons. With the exception of Mitt Romney, whose level of support has stayed relatively steady, the fortunes of the Republican candidates have swung dramatically. Over the past two months, there have been five lead changes in the national polls.handbags louis vuitton These swings have been triggered by two types of events: nationally televised debates and wins in state contests. Heading into South Carolina, Newt Gingrich was a broken candidate who hadn’t finished higher than fourth and lagged badly in the national polls. His win in the Palmetto State nudged voters nationwide to climb aboard his bandwagon. After Gingrich was pummeled in Florida, his support collapsed across the country.gucci handbag for sale (PHOTOS: A Look at Newt Gingrich’s Career) The upshot of a nationalized contest is that no state is safe. Michigan should be a cakewalk for Romney, a native son whose father was a venerated auto-company executive and popular governor. Romney won the state by nine points in 2008. He has a superior war chest and?the support of local party bigwigs.gucci handbag for sale Since June, he has visited Michigan 11 times. Rick Santorum has been to the state exactly once: Feb. 16, on the heels of a flurry of polls that showed him surging to an improbable lead. To local analysts, the specter of Romney’s losing Michigan is unthinkable.louis vuitton speedy “There isn’t any reason in the world Rick Santorum should be a factor in Michigan at all. He’s never been here. He has no connection to the state. He’s only seemingly doing well because he’s viewed as the latest anti-Romney in the party,” says Bill Ballenger, a former Republican lawmaker and Michigan political analyst.ugg boots outlet “But the nature of American politics has changed so radically. It’s become so nationalized and media-driven. You can do everything a campaign should be doing ?? and believe me, Romney has done that, while Santorum and [Ron] Paul and Gingrich have not ?? but if the narrative out there is ‘Anybody but Romney,’ even with Romney’s ties to the state, it may be difficult for him to overcome.” (VIDEO: What Comes Next After Mitt Romney’s Florida Primary Victory?) The battle in Michigan has been revealing not just for what it says about Romney’s struggles to connect with Republican voters but also for the way in which he and Santorum are looking beyond their immediate audience to drive a national message.louis vuitton speedy Last week, Romney doubled down on his opposition to the Obama Administration’s auto bailout by writing an editorial in the Detroit News that slammed the initiative as “crony capitalism on a grand scale” to benefit “Obama’s union allies.” Not to be outdone, Santorum used a speech at the Detroit Economic Club on Thursday to note that he too was against the auto bailout. Both candidates belabored the point in the face of the fact that in Michigan, labor is a dominant force, and the bailout remains popular. Both Chrysler and GM are resurgent.louis vuitton outlet online GM recorded its most profitable year in history in 2011, netting $7.6 billion. The nationalization of presidential politics doesn’t mean that local and regional demographics don’t matter. Romney has been strong in less-conservative states.louis vuitton handbags for sale Santorum has done well in the Midwest, where he frames himself as the grandson of a coal miner who understands the economic pain afflicting the region. Gingrich’s lone win was in the Deep South, where he hopes to resurrect his flagging campaign on March 6, Super Tuesday. “If any of the three loses our home state … you have, I think, very, very badly weakened candidacies,” the Georgian said on Sunday. “I was home campaigning for the last two days precisely to say to all of my friends back home, Georgia really matters.chanel outlet You cannot take this for granted.” (MORE: Election 2012: Can Anyone Stop Romney?) Romney too is desperate to avoid an ignominious defeat in his home state. “That won’t happen,” he said last week. Maybe not.ugg boots outlet But the fact that it could ?? and his strategy for sidestepping that embarrassment ?? says a lot about how politics is no longer a local affair.
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Public Policy Polling’s latest shows a tightening race in Michigan, Romney within four.chanel outlet “If Romney cannot win Michigan, we need a new candidate,” says an anonymous Republican Senator. GOP pessimism takes over. Santorum risks being defined by sticky social issues. To wit: questioning Obama’s “theology,” opposition to pre-natal testing, prosecuting abortion doctors, and nostalgia for single-room schools.louis vuitton backpack for sale Santorum’s dog anecdote is funnier than Romney’s. Young Mitt at BYU. Arizona congressional candidate and Romney state co-chair Sheriff Paul Babeu comes out, denies he threatened to deport his Mexican boyfriend. Maryland’s on the brink of gay marriage as New Jersey’s governor vetoes it, which is sure to come up in the O’Malley-Christie presidential debates of 2016.louis vuitton neverfull And The Onion reports on conservation efforts in the nation’s capital.
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